Walmart South Carolina

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Job Description

Stocking Associate/ Store Associate : This position may require you to train in a variety of areas within the facility. This may include but not limited to activities like; stocking, cashiering/register, digital team (pick up orders), pushing carts, light cleaning.

Maintain inventory accuracy for the facility. Maintain the area of responsibility. Receive and stock merchandise throughout the facility and organize and maintain the backroom (including cold section/refrigerated section) by following company safety, cleaning, and operating procedures; preparing, handling, packaging, labeling, and storing food to meet safety and compliance guidelines; operating and sanitizing food-related equipment.

Additional duties include setting up displays; receiving, sorting, staging, and delivering merchandise. Complies with company policies, procedures, and standards of ethics and integrity by implementing related action plans; Completes work assignments and priorities in a timely manner. Maintain calm and professional manner while serving customers, knowledge about products or locations within the store to help assist customers.


Stocking Associate/ Store Associate  (5 M/F) ว่าง 2 ตำแหน่ง

Job location



$13.00 per hour


32-40 hours per week

Start Date

7 Mar 2024- 15 Apr 2024

End Date

10 Jun 2024 – 7 Jul 2024

English level

Upper Intermediate


$125.00 per week  (Must Arrange Own)  **$115-$150 per week, maybe more/less
** Deposit amount $300 (Depends)

Transportation to work

On foot or bike, public transportation is available to you as well. Depending on the option depends on how long it will take.

** งานนี้ไม่ต้องชำระค่า Premium Job ใดๆทั้งสิ้นนะคะ และข้อมูลของงานดังกล่าว นายจ้างหรือองค์กรแลกเปลี่ยน USA อาจมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงได้ในภายหลัง โดยขึ้นอยู่กับปัจจัยในด้านธุรกิจของนายจ้างนะคะ โดยบริษัทฯ ไม่สามารถควบคุมการเปลี่ยนแปลงใดๆได้ค่ะ หากมีการเปลี่ยนแปลงใดๆเกิดขึ้นทางพี่ทีมงานจะรีบแจ้งข้อมูลอัพเดตให้ทันทีค่ะ 🙂 C

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